Your independent civil engineering office


Heierli Consulting Engineers (Ingenieurbureau Heierli AG) was founded in 1957 in Zurich, Switzerland, and has operated as a private limited company since 1975.

In 2001, Heierli Consulting Engineers came under the ownership of IBH-Group Holding AG within the framework of a management buyout. This holding company is under full ownership of the staff of Heierli Consulting Engineers, with the share majority being held by management.

At its Zurich headquarters and various site offices, Heierli Consulting Engineers employs a staff of approximately 55 engineers, site supervisors, technicians, draughtsmen, administrative personnel and apprentices.

Services provided include project planning and design, expert appraisals, construction management and consulting in civil, structural and protective engineering and associated specialist fields.

Heierli Consulting Engineers has four divisions of business activity, which are complemented by operational management and the administrative department:

  • Transportation and Civil Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Specialist Civil Engineering
  • Protection Technology

As an independent company – active both in Switzerland and internationally – Heierli Consulting Engineers is able to fulfil the high expectations of its clients impartially and without prejudice. Prime importance is thereby placed on the identification and development of comprehensive solutions that are optimal in both technical and economic terms.

Long-term, sustained services are guaranteed through the stable size of the company, a clear mission statement, a solid financial basis, as well as work processes certified according to the ISO 9001 code.


Management of Ingenieurbureau Heierli AG

The operational management of Ingenieurbureau Heierli AG consists of three members of the Management Board and six members of the extended Management Board.

Tobias Gerber
Civil Engineer FH
Chairman of the Executive Board
Division Manager:  Special Civil Engineering

Balz Cavelti
Division Manager 
Risk Management / Protection Technology

Gregor Tschirky
Bachelor of Science FH in Civil Engineering
Business field: Transportation / Civil Engineering

Extended Management

Philipp Heim
Bachelor of Science FH in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineer CAS
Business field: Structural Engineering

Jonas Lücke
Diplom-Ingenieur TU Berlin Civil Engineering
Heierli INFRA Berlin 


Peter Matzinger
Dipl. Ing. HTL, Civil Engineering
Business field: Transportation / Civil Engineering - Large-scale projects

Thomas Gehrig
Dipl. Ing. HTL, Civil Engineering
Business field: Transportation / Civil Engineering – Execution

Eva-Maria Schläpfer
Bachelor of Science FH in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science ZFH in Business Administration
Business field: Transportation / Civil Engineering

Martin Baumgartner
Dipl. Ing. FH, Civil Engineering
Business field: Protection Technology


Customer focus

Customer satisfaction is our main concern. We achieve customer satisfaction with high-quality, well-founded, timely and cost-effective solutions, which we communicate in a comprehensive, comprehensible and innovative form.


Our employees are our most important asset. Through determined, respectful leadership with clear objectives, our employees are given great personal responsibility, which they can assume within teamwork with open dialogues. The great motivation of our employees is promoted and maintained through varied, demanding work, continuous further training and future prospects.

Safety and health

We support the safety of our employees with appropriate measures and means. The long-term health of all is the basis for the performance of our company.


Consistent, high quality standards are the basis of what we do. We guarantee the quality of our work. We have highly trained professionals and access to the latest technologies and information. We meet the high demands of our customers with a process-oriented, certified quality management.


We are oriented towards sustainable, profitable development that is independent of other companies and interest groups. We take social responsibility and contribute to public safety and development.


Our work serves people, society and the environment with the goal of sustainable development of our living space. Integrity determines our dealings with our employees, business partners and customers.


IBH-Group Holding AG

IBH-Group Holding AG, a company registered in Zug, Switzerland, was founded in December 2001. The purpose of the company is to hold and administer its various companies. The IBH-Group Holding AG carries out all the business typical of a holding company, including giving significant advisory and financial expertise to the member companies.


The IBH-Group Holding AG is fully owned by the staff of Heierli Consulting Engineers, which was integrated into the Holding company within the framework of a management buy-out. Since 01.01.2018 Bienz, Kummer - Partner AG, was also integrated into the IBH-Group Holding. All shares of these companies are in the ownership of IBH-Group Holding AG.


Address of the IBH Group Holding AG: 

IBH-Group Holding AG, Culmannstrasse 56, CH-8006 Zürich